Want to make your own poultry farm

Want to make your own poultry farm, Poultry, farm, chicken, layers, broilers,
n this course, you will learn about the introduction to poultry. If you want to build your own farm, this course helps you a lot.
You will learn different parts of chicken which the main source of food for human beings. Many of the industries are working to increase the rate of outcome coming from chicken. Each body part has it’s own significance and importance. We will identify different parts of the body of a chicken.
You will learn different types of feathers on the body of chicken. You will learn diagrammatically, how to identify the type of feather.
Life cycle of chicken is very important for industries as they have to deal with the entire flock and marketing industry according to that. You will learn phases of growth of layers as well as broilers.
Brooders are used most commonly nowadays. In this course you will learn different types of brooders used in the poultry industry and how to use them.
You will learn how to check if the brooding temperature is normal or not.
You will learn how to calculate uniformity in the flock. You will learn that how calculating uniformity has so much importance in the industry. You will learn how to built you own poultry farm and which conditions must be applied for safe growth if chicken and which flaws are considered or kept in mind in order not to repeat them.