Utilising Your Inner Child: A Creative Writing Workshop

Utilising Your Inner Child: A Creative Writing Workshop, Write with inspiration, passion and excitement by utilising your inner child.
Course Description
The aim of this workshop is to get you to connect with your inner child and utilise this when it comes to creative writing and releasing your imagination. This will be done through a series of writing exercises and reflective questions, these can be done entirely in your own time and although guidance is given, there really are no rules or regulations on what, how or when you write! You could be an accomplished author, someone who writes for fun or anything in between- there are no limits on the type of writer you have to be to complete this workshop.
This workshop is designed for writers who:
-Are struggling with their imagination
-Feel too confined when writing
-Are unable to come up with new ideas
-Are feeling lost for inspiration
-Are struggling with writer’s block
-Want to fall back in love with writing
Objectives of this workshop are to:
-Connect or reconnect with your inner child through activities to help channel childlike feelings and nostalgia
-Get back in touch with forgotten feelings surrounding literature
-To fall back in love with writing
-Spark imagination and find inspiration through writing activities
-Writing with freedom by letting go of rules and regulations.