The 7-Day Small Talk Mastery Challenge!

The 7-Day Small Talk Mastery Challenge!, “Boost Your Professional Communication Skills With Engaging Conversations And Networking Strategies For Success.”

Course Description

Developing good small talk skills can be a game-changer in both personal and professional situations.

Here are the benefits, with a focus on career opportunities.

90% of career success comes from your ability to have spontaneous conversations with others at work. Don’t believe me??

Join my  7-Day Small Talk Mastery Challenge! and see for yourself!

I designed it to build strong relationships, enhance your professional image, and improve workplace communication in only 7 days.

The challenge offers a comprehensive learning experience with daily videos and personalized homework assignments, email reminders and encouragement, as well as  handouts and exercises to help you achieve a good result in just 7 days:

Day 1: Break the ice and establish rapport with colleagues or friends.

Day 2: Develop active listening skills for better small talk.

Day 3: Improve storytelling skills for captivating small talk.

Day 4: Finding common ground during small talk.

Day 5: Enhance non-verbal communication with effective body language.

Day 6: Mastering the Art of Open-Ended Questions in Small Talk.

Day 7: Ending Conversations gracefully.

In essence, small talk is an important skill set that not only enriches personal interactions but also plays a pivotal role in advancing one’s career. They contribute to a well-rounded professional profile, opening avenues for growth and collaboration.

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