Math Rules Of Exponents Learning And Practice

Math Rules Of Exponents Learning And Practice, Learn About The Exponent Rules In Math!
Welcome to this Math course! This is a beginner’s course covering the basics of the rules of exponents in Math. This course is intended for those who are new to exponent rules or who want to strengthen their exponent rule skills. The requirements you need to have before starting this course is that you need to have some background knowledge on what are exponents and how to solve them in general. The topics being covered in this course includes understanding the difference in solving positive and negative exponents, learning the product rule, the quotient rule, the zero exponent rule, the power rule, the expanded power rule. The course is taught through slides allowing students to take notes from a visual perspective. In the last section of the course, there will be some extra practice videos to strengthen the skills of the students in this topic. As the students are watching the learning videos, they will learn the rules through a given explanation and some examples to make them understand these topics. By the end of the course, students should have a good foundation with their exponent rule skills. In general and in specific to the exponent rules, understanding the exponents and their rules will allow them to go through the study of Algebra more easily.