Learn Faster Calculation

Learn Faster Calculation, Speed Maths .
In this course we will study about the tricks used in mathematics which will enhance your calculation speed. if you practice these tricks then you will be able to do calculations in easy way. and this course is also useful for the learners who are preparing for the competitive exams. Mathematics is a common subject for all the competitive exams and if you do not know about the speedy tricks of mathematics then you will consume lots of time in the exam. so if you want to save time and for doing proper calculations you should know about the tricks to solve questions faster than the conventional tricks.
so this course is dedicated to all the learners who have keen interest in the mathematics and want to learn new tricks of mathematics for faster calculations. but these tricks are useful only when you practice them carefully. and by doing daily practice you will be perfect in the tricks for solving any type of questions.
we will start this course with basic questions like addition, subtraction etc.
Course Contents : –
1. Addition ( 3 Tricks )
2. Subtraction ( 2 Tricks )
3. Multiplication Of One Digit And Two Digit Numbers ( Near The Base 10 And 100 )
4. Multiplication Of Three And Four Digit Numbers ( Near OR Below Base )
5. Multiplication Of One Digit And Two Digit Numbers ( Near OR Above Base)