Learn basics of Fractions and Decimals from Scratch

Learn basics of Fractions and Decimals from Scratch, Lets start learning. Please make sure to check out and do the Assignments and Quizzes provided at the end of the course.
Course Description
Introduction to Fractions and Decimals is a ‘Beginner Level’ course. This course starts from scratch touching and teaching the basics while delving into topics such as Complex Fractions, Mixed Numbers, Unlike Fractions, Improper Fractions, Converting Mixed Fractions To Improper Fractions, Converting Improper Fractions To Mixed Fractions, Multiplicative Inverse of Fraction, Lowest Common Denominator, Reducing Fraction to Lowest Terms, Comparing Fractions | Like Terms Method, Rounding Off, Value of a Fraction, Decimal to Fraction Conversion, Decimal Multiplication with 10’s, etc. You can take this course as a beginner or someone who is interested in learning mathematical concepts. For those that are new to Fractions and Decimals and who want to get the gist of what it’s about this course can help you out. This course can also aid you in college or university entrance exams by providing a comprehensive review of this fundamental course. Check out my other courses on Mathematics as well that are tailored with the ‘Student’ in mind. More courses will be added through your help in the upcoming months. All the support shown here goes towards making even better courses for everyone so that the learning experience can be made as stress-free and easy for the learner as possible.