Discovery Seminar: Investigate Your Learning

Discovery Seminar: Investigate Your Learning, If you’re interested in becoming more successful in the classroom, then this course is for you.

I’ve been in the classroom for 50 years—as either a student or teacher, and I’ve heard students and teachers say A LOT about learning during this time, a very brief list of what I’ve heard follows—you can decide whether a student or a teacher was saying these things.

“Zoom sucks!”

“I’m bored.”

“I’m overwhelmed.”

“I can’t ‘get it’.”

“I just don’t ‘get it’.”

“Don’t listen to music when you are studying!”

“Listen to music when you are studying”

“Just study hard for this test!”

“Just study long for this test!”

“Just memorize it.”

“Just make it meaningful.”

“Just make it fun.”

“Just work hard.”

“Just get a good teacher.”

“Here are some study skills.”

“Take good notes.”

“I need your undivided attention.”

“Pay attention.”

“Don’t be nervous.”

“Don’t be relaxed.”

“Don’t be distracted.”

“Get a good night’s sleep.”

The WEIRD thing is, with all that I’ve heard about learning, RARELY have I ever heard students or teachers talk about what learning ACTUALLY IS. 

Maybe, if students and teachers knew what learning is—at its basis, then learning would be EASIER; and learning would more likely and naturally occur?

Welcome to the Discovery Seminar: Investigate Your Learning, where I promise you will:

Explore your definition of success.

Understand how your learning is affected by your attitude, effort, and life circumstances.

Become aware of the relationships between your attention, learning, and memory.

Know what is inhibiting and facilitating your success.

Research your success and the psychology of learning.

Gain educational tools rooted within the psychology of learning.

Analyze and compare success in your current classrooms to success in your ideal classroom.

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