Computer Science Concepts with Examples

Computer Science Concepts with Examples, If you want to learn computer science concepts with examples, then this will be helpful for you!


In this course, you will be learning many concepts related to Microsoft Platform Developer concepts, This course will be helpful to acquire all the crucial knowledge in Microsoft Platform Developer concepts. You will be more knowledgeable after completing this course. you will be confident in Microsoft Platform Developer concepts after this course.

This course is designed to help you and your team to learn Microsoft Platform Developer concepts. Even if you plan to start your career in Microsoft Platform Developer concepts, these courses and hands-on labs will help you get started on your way to becoming an Azure DevOps specialist.

This course will be helpful for those who intend to learn the Azure concepts from the very basics. Candidates who already possess either the Microsoft Certified: Azure Administrator Associate certification or the Microsoft Certified: Azure Developer Associate certification will take this course.

This course contains different labs that will help you to test your knowledge of seven key subject areas, and that’s how we’ve structured this Learning Path as well. We’ll start with the skills needed for designing a DevOps strategy. Next, we’ll get into implementing DevOps development processes. We’ll also get into continuous integration and continuous delivery. As you move through this course, you’ll learn about dependency management, application infrastructure, and implementing continuous feedback.

Learning Objectives

  • Create a technical design
  • Configure Microsoft Dataverse
  • Create and configure Power Apps
  • Configure business process automation
  • Extend the user experience
  • Extend the platform
  • Develop integrations

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