Basics of Molecular Biology and Genetics

Basics of Molecular Biology and Genetics, Learn Basics of Molecular Biology, Introduction to DNA isolation, Protocol & Process of DNA isolation & Sources of DNA.
Course Description
Molecular biology is the study of the molecular underpinnings of the processes of replication, transcription, translation, and cell function.
Genetics is the study of how genetic differences affect organisms. Genetics attempts to predict how mutations, individual genes and genetic interactions can affect the expression of a phenotype.
This DNA purification guide addresses general information on the basics of DNA extraction, plasmid preparation and DNA quantitation, as well as how optimized purification techniques can help increase your productivity, so you spend less time purifying DNA and more time developing experiments and analyzing data.
In today’s world of DNA analysis by multiplex and real-time PCR, the importance of high-quality, purified DNA cannot be underestimated. Finding a suitable DNA isolation system to satisfy your downstream application needs is vital for the successful completion of experiments.
This course is dedicated to learn the basics of Molecular Biology and understand the principle involved in DNA isolation and its process in details:
- To know the various sources of DNA,
- To understand the steps involved in DNA separation,
- To review the techniques used for identification of isolated DNA,
- To review the procedure for quantification of isolated DNA.
- Understanding the basic Genetic markers
DNA isolation and purification are designed to deal with basic principles of molecular biology and genetics. After understanding the basic terminologies and processes in genetics
This course is very useful for Employees working in Laboratories, Hospitals, Pharmaceutical or Biotech companies, Doctors (Pathologists, Microbiologists, MBBS, BAMS, BHMS) or Medical Students, Life-Sciences graduates and Post Graduates.
Jehangir Centre for Learning (JCL) is a division of Jehangir Clinical Development Centre (JCDC) which is a leading clinical research centre in India. We bring to you specialized courses in Healthcare. Candidates interested in learning about Molecular Biology and Molecular Genetics can take up this course.