Basics of Integers

Basics of Integers, Integers and Number line.
Course Description
As math have a lot of concepts and students must learn those concepts to have a good grip on math. There are also concepts which one must know and are foundation. One of the concepts is INTEGERS.
Integers is a basic topic and this topic is must if you want to learn about Real Numbers. Apart from real numbers, integers is also a vast topic. Before you delve deeper and deeper into math, just study this topic.
This course is not so deep in terms of concepts. Study this course to have a basic knowledge about integers. In this course learn the following -:
– Integers definition
– Some points about integers
– Number Line
– How to move on a number line
After watching videos in this course, you will have somewhat little knowledge about integers.
Video are made to make concepts simple to understand. Tried my best to make this course a good course for learner. Therefore recommended to any learner or student who wants to start from basic or have forgotten some concepts of integers. Study, learn and be a knowledgeable person.
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