A Complete Guide to 1st-Order Ordinary Differential Equation

A Complete Guide to 1st-Order Ordinary Differential Equation, Construct and solve real-life examples using first-order ordinary differential equations.
Course Description
Differential Equations (DE) are equations that contain derivatives of one or more dependent variables with respect to one or more independent variables. DEs have many real-life applications. For example, population dynamics, continuous compound interest, series circuits, motion of a particle, and more.
This course, A Complete Guide to First-Order Ordinary Differential Equation, includes the first two sections of my complete course on ODE, including video, notes from whiteboard during lectures, and practice problems (with solutions!). I also show every single step in examples and proofs. The course is organized into the following topics:
Section 2: Preliminaries
- Classification of DEs (type, order, and linearity)
- Variables Separable
- Initial-Value Problems (IVP)
Section 3: First-Order ODEs as Mathematical Models (to be updated)
- Model I: Proportional to the Dependent Variable
- Model II: Proportional to the Difference to a Bound
- Model III: The Logistic Equation
- Five Population Models (to be updated)
- Model IV: First-Order Linear ODE (to be updated)
- Application: A Mixture Problem (to be updated)
- Application: Series Circuits (to be updated)
- Application: Mathematical Models Describing Motion (to be updated)
- Torricelli’s Law (to be updated)
Section 4: First-Order ODEs’ Methods of Solution (to be updated)
- Exact and Non-exact Equations (to be updated)
- Bernoulli’s Equation (to be updated)
- Solving by Substitutions (to be updated)
- ODEs with Dependent or Independent Variable Missing (to be updated)
Section 5: Second Order Equations and Linear Equations of Higher Order (Available in the complete course)
Section 6: Laplace Transforms (Available in the complete course)
Section 7: Series Solutions for Second Order Linear Equations (Available in the complete course)
Section 8: Linear Systems of ODEs (Available in the complete course)
Videos: I start each topic by introducing and explaining the concept. I share all my solving-problem techniques using examples. I show a variety of math issue you may encounter in class and make sure you can solve any problem by yourself.
Notes: In each section, you will find my notes as downloadable resource that I wrote during lectures. So you can review the notes even when you don’t have internet access (but I encourage you to take your own notes while taking the course!).
Assignments: After you watch me doing some examples, now it’s your turn to solve the problems! Be honest and do the practice problems before you check the solutions! If you pass, great! If not, you can review the videos and notes again.
- An instructor who truly cares about your success
- Lifetime access to A Complete Guide to First-Order Ordinary Differential Equation
#1: Downloadable lectures so you can watch the videos whenever and wherever you are.
#2: Downloadable lecture notes so you can review the lectures without having a device to watch/listen.
#3: One problem set at the end of the course (with solutions!) for you to do more practice.
#4: Step-by-step guide to help you solve problems.
See you inside the course!
– Gina Chou 🙂