Get the golf edge to golf excellence & play golf like a pro, Learn how to have your golf mental skills get the competitive edge in your game of golf with 21st century techniques.
Get the golf edge to golf excellence & play golf like a pro
I am going to teach you a simple to learn and apply technique that will improve your golf, and help you feel more relaxed before and during each game of golf and how to never feel intimidated by your opponent because of their reputation or how good they have performed in the past in any Golf Tournament . You will also feel more confident about making any shot playing golf even the ones that you find the most difficult in the past whether they be short or long shots drives or putts in any golfing competition.
I am so confident you will get results in your golf performance by taking the time to learn and apply this technique that Udemy is offering you a 30 day money back guarantee so there is no risk or cost to you if what I teach you does not work. However as I have been using this technique for so many years with excellent results with my clients to improve their lives and yes increase performance in their golf, that I decided to create this course so I could reach out and help as many people as I can be the best they can be.
So what will I teach you
- What is EFT and how to apply it
- The tapping points and the major organs in your body that you are creating a calming effect on by tapping on these points
- Proof that the mind and body work together meaning that what you think can create how you feel and feelings can cause thinking in a certain way
- The breathing exercise to prove to you how you physically feel can be changed by tapping on a few points on the body while focusing on a particular idea
- Guide you Through a session to beat your anxiety with EFT that can be used as many times as you need
- Guide you through a mopping up session that will help clear up and stubborn emotional charge on the issue you have been working on
- Guide you through an advanced tapping technique that tunes both conscious and subconscious mind to work together so that the most stubborn of trapped emotional charge can be released on the issues you have been working on
- Guide you through a Golf session debriefing so that you can measure all of the results you so much so that you will be shocked to think about the way you used to feel and how easy it was to change all that