SmartSheet Tutorial for Beginners

SmartSheet Tutorial for Beginners, Decrease time consumption and Increase Efficiency.

This course is for beginners having no knowledge about Smartsheet. This course is designed and created keeping in mind the actual usage in the organization for managing projects. Flow of this course is structured in a manner such that any person can understand this tool and make usage to maximum possible capabilities. This course once completed can definitely help you save 40% daily routine time spent on Excel, PPT and Outlook.

1) What is Smartsheet?

Smartsheet is the only platform that can scale from a single project to end-to-end work management, connecting business on a no-code, cloud-based platform where anyone can create the solution they need — backed by the control and security IT requires

What are features of Smartsheet?

2) What are features of SmartSheet?
Overview of Smartsheet Features

  • Dashboards.
  • Calendar View.
  • Card View.
  • Gantt View.
  • Attach Files.
  • Portals.
  • Reminders.

3) Why Smartsheet is Best?

Smartsheet is a very advanced spreadsheet tool, although it’s far from the easiest software to use if all you want is project management. If you can get over the steep learning curve, Smartsheet is versatile enough to create hybrid, cross-data spreadsheets and enables automated workflows.

Thank you choosing this course.

All the best. See you in the course.

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