Personal Finance : A Key to Survival

Personal Finance : A Key to Survival, Understand the Essentials of Personal Finance and learn how exactly to apply these principals to your own life.
Course Description
Learn everything you need to know to be financially successful today!
In this course I will show you how to avoid debt and bankruptcies and maximize your savings. I will also show you how you can take advantage of the financial system to build credit, save money and spend wisely.
I will thoroughly explain how banks and bank accounts work as well as how credit cards work so you know how to choose your perfect credit card and banks accounts that can save you the most money. Learn how to budget, save and how the credit score directly impact you. Not only does this course have a real- life personal finance application section but it teaches you skills that can be applied to any facet of life! Not only this, but you will learn about the future of banking and currency as well- a topic that is often neglected!
I will also supply you with several articles and videos to make sure that you understand the concept better. In addition, again for FREE, I will be updating and adding new resources to make sure that you succeed! Moreover, get lifetime membership to a member only private Facebook group where you can discuss content and/or ask any other questions that you have! I am always here for you if you get stuck or have a question- please feel free to ask any question that you might have! Moreover, I made this course FREE just for you, in order to spread free access to uncommon personal finance knowledge.
Take this course now and learn from the 4+ years of experience that I have with personal finance. Take a look at the insides of the banking and finance industry to understand how YOU can plan your finances. Avoid the mistakes that 27% of the American population makes that puts them into debt!
This course is for anyone- from middle school to adults! All you need to succeed is an open mind!
Can’t wait to see you inside!