Starting your Job Search

Starting your Job Search, Learn effective strategies for how to start a successful job search and be the top candidate for the ideal position.

Course Description

In this course, “The Complete Job Search; Starting your Job Search” you will learn about the many strategies for how to start a successful job search and deciding what career path to take. Each tactic will be a critical step to success. This course will prepare you for everything you need to be the top candidate for the ideal position you are pursuing.

Learning objectives/Intended Learners

· The importance of effectively utilizing your Personal and Professional Network to find a job.

· Using Social Media the right way as a critical part of your job search

· How to create a Master Application which you will use to fill out job applications when applying to a job

· Being successful with Online Job Sites to be at the top of the employers list

· Looking for both part time and full-time opportunities in the Gig Economy

· Maximize your chance of securing the Perfect Job for you.

The competition for a good job can be tough and just one misstep can be the difference between success and failure. At the end of this course, you will have a much better idea of what your career goals will be and how to begin the journey to a successful career. This course will give you the advantage in your own complete job search.

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