Solve Problems by Rising above Problems For New Perspective

Solve Problems by Rising above Problems For New Perspective, See Problems from a height and resolve any problem with new insight in a very unique easy way for getting solutions.
Solve Problems by Rising above Problems for New Perspective
5 Star Review.
GREAT little course on how to overcome your fears, anxiety, stress, problems by using your imagination with self-hypnosis and/or EFT tapping.
Ivon Timmermans
Are past experiences clouding your perception and holding you back from reaching your true potential? Do you find yourself trapped in irrational fears or limited perspectives that prevent you from fully enjoying life? If so, it’s time to break free from the ghosts of your past and embark on a transformative journey towards a brighter future.
In this comprehensive self-help program, “Rise Above Problems: Gain a New Perspective and Solve Life’s Challenges,” you will learn invaluable techniques to change your perspective on old experiences that have shaped your worldview. Led by an experienced guide, you will discover the power of imagination and creative thinking to transform negative memories into positive outcomes.
The program begins by laying a strong foundation in visualization exercises. Through these exercises, you will develop a deeper understanding of your unique visualization style and how it influences your perception of the world. Once equipped with this self-awareness, you will be ready to embark on a profound exploration of your past.
Using a groundbreaking technique, you will step into the role of a director of your own memories, allowing you to edit and reshape the negative events that continue to haunt your thinking. By engaging your imagination and creative faculties, you will gain the power to rewrite the narratives of your past, freeing yourself from the emotional and psychological hold they have over you.
- Preparing to learn how to rise above your fears or problems
- How to view your life from a new perspective
- How to rise above your problems
- Solve problems while you sleep Hypnosis
Downloadable Resources
- What is Hypnosis
- EFT instructions & Disclaimer
- Breathing Exercise
- Freedom from stress with EFT
- Mopping up section
- EFT Tapping Points