Personality Transplant: Realness & Life Purpose

Personality Transplant: Realness & Life Purpose, A course in personal transformation for anybody that wants to GROW REAL.
This is a free preview of the 7-Day Personality Transplant System Shock for Realness and Life Purpose (a free course that takes you over an intense 7-Days of looking at yourself, the world, and reality to find realness and life purpose).
In this free preview, you’ll get the first two days and the accompanying workbook exercises so you can integrate your learning:
Day 1: Death – Discover what you truly value and what you want to achieve in your life by embracing the reality that you time, energy and attention are your most important assets.
-Figure out your true values
-Figure out your true intentions
-Start taking real ACTION
-Learn the true value of your time, energy and attention
-Learn to work with natural laws of life and raise your AWARENESS
Day 2: Activity – Identify and overcome the mindset that’s holding you back from success by looking at your belief system and the emotional ‘stuff’ underpinning it.
-Figure out your limiting beliefs
-Tell where you’re holding yourself by being passive
-Learn about how personal transformation is always about closing the gap
-Assess your mindset so you can make real changes
-Learn how you EGO gets in the way of your real life
-Start to work with the PROCESS of real living
This is a REAL course in personal transformation and changing your life!