Living with Confidence in a Chaotic World | Level 1

Living with Confidence in a Chaotic World | Level 1, Discover Certain Hope in Uncertain Times by Southern California Seminary Chancellor Dr. David Jeremiah.

Course Description

Living with Confidence in a Chaotic World | Level 1: Discover certain hope in uncertain times!

A global pandemic. Violence in the streets and cries of injustice across the world. Economic instability. Never before has life felt so chaotic. In the midst of it all, we need to know how to respond when our challenges exceed our courage.

In Living with Confidence in a Chaotic World, pastor and best-selling author Dr. David Jeremiah lifts our eyes from the trouble around us to the hope above us. With inspiring stories and biblical truth, he shows us how to live above the chaos as he answers our must urgent questions, including:

  • How can we weather tumultuous times with a calm heart?
  • What does it truly mean to “wait on the Lord”?
  • What is Jesus saying to our chaotic world today?
  • Can we take a broken world and rebuild it into something fruitful?

We live in unsettling times, but we don’t need to be confused or frightened. When we stay committed to God’s will and walk moment-by-moment with Him, we can life with confidence and hope in this age of turmoil.

This Level 1 Course examines the three foundational keys of staying calm, compassionate, and constructive.

  • Calm is peaceful, relaxed, and serene; calm is the opposite of  agitation, dread, fear, panic, terror, and worry.
  • Compassion is benevolence, charity, empathy, generosity, and kindness; compassion is the opposite of apathy, egotism, greed, indifference, self-centeredness, and selfishness.
  • Constructive is beneficial, helpful, positive, practical, and useful; constructive is the opposite of  bitter, cruel, cynical, destructive, harmful, harsh, impractical, negative, and useless.

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