Learn Fire Safety and How to Use Fire Extinguisher

Learn Fire Safety and How to Use Fire Extinguishers, Fire safety.

Fire Safety and How to Use Fire Extinguisher

This online Fire Safety Training Course is a completely free course that teaches you about the fire risks in home and work premises and what safety measures should be in place to control them. It explains the common causes of fires, how to prevent them, what fire safety arrangements are necessary, and the importance of following emergency procedures.

If you are in charge of fire risk assessments and overseeing evacuation procedures, such as the employer of a workplace or a senior member of staff with fire safety responsibilities, this course can be a starting point for your knowledge, including for carrying out risk assessments.

At the end of the training everybody will be able to:

IDENTIFY – the three elements of fire

.IDENTIFY – 3 common classes of fire

.IDENTIFY – techniques to suppress fire

SELECT – the proper type of extinguisher

EVALUATE – when it is safe to fight an “early-stage” fire

APPLY – the P.A.S.S. method to operate a portable extinguisher

Finally, you trainee will learn the following topics:

  • Classification of fires
  • Prompt action when dealing with fire and smoke
  • Identifying fire sources
  • Fire fighting drills
  • Frequent checking of fire risk areas
  • Understanding the physics and chemistry of fire
  • Development and spread of fire
  • Action in the event of a fire
  • Means of raising an alarm
  • Means of summoning the fire brigade
  • Action on hearing the fire alarm
  • Evacuation procedures

Who Should Attend: This course is aimed at all students, employees, and everybody regardless of the industry type.

Assessment: Assessment is by a multiple-choice test and practical demonstration using fire extinguishers.

Additional Information: Notes on Fire Safety / Fire Prevention are provided to course trainees.

Certification: Udemy Safety Certificates in “Fire Safety” are awarded to participants on successful completion of the course with a pass mark of 60%.

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