Learn about your Personality Type

Learn about your Personality Type, Unlock your potential.

Course description

Do you feel that you have hidden potential? That you’re not really making the most of your true abilities? Perhaps you’ve noticed that other people think or act differently to yourself, and you’d like to know why. The first step in addressing these challenges is to know yourself better. Who are you? And what brings out your best?

I’m a Business Psychologist, and I’ve helped thousands of people all over the world to better understand themselves and others through the approach of Personality Type: an approach that’s both powerful and deep.

The Personality Type model, often known as the MBTI®, or Myers-Briggs® is the most widely used approach to Personality in the world, so you’ll be joining the millions of people worldwide who’ve already discovered their Types. Perhaps more importantly than that though, you’ll be knowing yourself better. What are your strengths and what blindspots should you look out for?

That’s just what we’ll cover in this course, from understanding what Personality Types are, to getting a free report for yourself and our tips to apply your Type and make the most of it.

So whether you’re familiar with Type and want a refresher, or you’re new to the whole concept, then this is the place to start.

So come and join my colleague Dr. Angelina Bennet and I as we take you on the next step in your journey of knowing yourself better.

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