Land That Interview: Steps To Creating The Appropriate CV

Land That Interview: Steps To Creating The Appropriate CV, How and where to identify vital facts to update your CV and improve your chances to get the job interview of your dream.
Course Description
Have you become frustrated at how often you are asked to update your CV? change this; take that out; make this bold; paragraph that; the list is endless.
Do you believe you have a good CV, but applied to a number of vacancies without a positive outcome?
In reality the average recruiter has three piles for every CV they go through during the recruitment process and they are:
1. The Bin (You don’t want your CV ending up here because next stop is the Shredder)
2. The Under-Consideration (promising but could likely get overlooked as the process unfolds), or
3. The Shortlist-for-Interview
Where your CV ends up determines if you would be invited to the next stage of the recruitment process or not.
This course is designed to take you back to the basics and provide you with a set of adaptable insights that will guide you to identify, understand and apply the clues and resources that are already at your disposal to improve the odds of your CV ending up on the “Shortlist-for-Interview” pile most of the time.
It will require some critical analysis, but the results will be very liberating for you and those you choose to support.