IT Support Career: Starting IT Career Information and Tips

IT Support Career: Starting IT Career Information and Tips, Right information can lead to the right IT support job.
There are no general education courses unrelated to your future IT job. You can learn real-world IT skills that you can immediately start using once you land an IT job. Plus, we provide hands-on labs. The best way to learn technology is just to do it. So you are actually practicing what you learn as you learn it.
In this information course, you will learn key tips to start an IT Career.
Jobskillshare focuses exclusively on training you for the job skills required to get started in a technology career. The goal of 2–4-year schools is generally to provide a well-rounded education. That’s why traditional colleges and community colleges require that almost 50% of your classes are in “general education,” – which may or may not help you advance your career goals. By teaching only the technology job skills you need, jobskillshare is able to “accelerate” your education time frame and ensure that the technology you are learning is not outdated.
In today’s economy where the demand for skilled IT workers significantly exceeds the supply of qualified candidates, most employers are more interested in whether or not you can do the job than whether you have a degree. According to recent Census data, only 38% of web developers have a four-year degree. In a survey of 2400 CIO’s by Robert Half Technology, 71% said they place more emphasis on “skills and experience than on whether or not a candidate attended college/university”. While there are still some companies and some positions that require a degree, the vast majority of job opportunities do not. These opportunities are being filled with individuals with the right technology job skills.
We teach you what you need to know for your new career in IT, even if you’re just starting out!
For our students at Jobskillshare, we offer a unique, in-depth program designed to prepare you for a rewarding career in IT Whether you’re a beginner looking for a career change or you’ve got a tech background and want to take your knowledge to the next level, we have the program designed to make it happen.