Interview Preparation For Sure Success

Interview Preparation For Sure Success, Crack the Top Interviews with the Complete Guide.
Interviewing Basics: A Checklist
1. Arrive early. Fifteen to 20 minutes is sufficient. As you wait, you can observe employees coming and going, which can give you some insight into the work environment.
2. Dress and act professionally. Even if you know that the dress code is business casual, kick it up a notch up. During the interview, speak positively and make eye contact.
3. Bring multiple copies of your resume. You might end up in a group interview situation, so bring at least six.
4. Remember paper and pen. Take a few notes during the interview. This will demonstrate that you’re engaged and interested. Jot down the names of everyone who interviews you. (You can verify correct spellings later.)
5. Take documentation from home. In case you need to fill out an application, have some legal documentation with you such as a driver’s license, social security card, birth certificate, or voter’s registration card.
6. Have some cash on hand. You may have to pay for parking or a valet.