How to STOP Smoking or Vaping with EFT tapping for GOOD.

How to STOP Smoking or Vaping with EFT tapping for GOOD., Here we find the root causes which started your habit & need to soothe the nervous system so you can break the cycle.


As an ex smoker and vape user, I tried everything outside of me to give up and nothing lasted, because every time I was triggered or overwhelmed, felt abandoned or super stressed, unsupported, alone, fearful or if I achieved something great (I craved to reward myself with poison) so I would return to smoking. I also couldn’t seem to socialise or have a drink without wanting or craving a vape or cigarette. It wasn’t until I decided to go within and do the work I preach, use my valuables tools and I was released. I healed my nervous system and changed my beliefs system and how I did that, you will find all the remedies in this course and guess what else, it was easy. No withdrawals were required, or switching into another addiction like eating. Remember we only transfer an addictive behaviour of we haven’t healed the first one. What I want you to know, which you will discover in the promo video, that I have suffered from chronic childhood trauma causing major addictions, which I healed myself, all of them. So as someone who has had a lived experience be assured you will be able to heal too.

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