HOW TO FIND YOUR WHOLE SELF, A Universal Approach to Spiritual Awakening & Enlightenment.
HOW TO FIND YOUR WHOLE SELF: A Universal Approach to Spiritual Awakening & Enlightenment
is a new, innovative framework designed to accelerate and ground the spiritual awakening process.
This body of work is an invitation to recognize, realize and actualize your Whole Self.
It’s human nature to seek and explore, but when you are unaware of what you are looking for, or don’t know how or where to look, then, as with seeking for anything in life, the search can be difficult, long, and more complex than it need be.
It’s only when you venture inside, or dive into inner-being, that your awakening gathers momentum.
This course is designed to help you explore ‘spiritual’ awakening and the potentials of human consciousness.
It’s for adults of all ages and all levels who have an open-minded approach to awakening, meditation, spirituality, realization and enlightenment.
I created this course, because in the summer of 2007 I had a Mystical Death Experience (MDE) – during which I left my body.
That experience showed me beyond any doubt that there is more to us than just bodies and minds.
Since then, I’ve been sharing the benefits, possibilities and potentials of awakening in a number of ways (see my bio for more information).
I’ve experienced the highs and lows of life and spiritual awakening, including diverse phenomena and prolonged states of samadhi, in which the individual and universal unite as Oneness.
As a one-time mystic, I’m acutely aware of the many forms of spiritual crises and the dangers of spiritual flight, so you are in safe, experienced hands.
I will be sharing some of the traps and pitfalls of the spiritual search, so you can be more aware of what to expect and to avoid, as well as an in-depth look at Self-Realization.
This course is an all-inclusive approach integrating body, mind, soul and spirit, a tried and tested framework to help you find what you are seeking for, which is ultimately the freedom of being you, of being your Whole Self.
I wholeheartedly believe this course provides the necessary knowledge, tools and impetus to further your awakening.
The universal goal of the spiritual search is to be whole, for when you are whole, seeking has ended, and you are simply being.
The course consists of a series of informative and contemplative videos, numerous online published articles and further resources.
There’s a lot of information packed in, so repeat listens and reads are highly recommended.
Learn in your own time, and at your own pace.
‘Slowly but surely’ – is the way to gradual and definite progress.
If you have queries or difficulties, individual support is directly available through Direct Messaging on the Udemy platform.
I’ll be here to support you every step of the way, but please be patient.
When I first began ‘waking up’, I had no specific belief system, no guru or regular practice, so I learned the hard way; from life experience and prolonged states of higher consciousness.
It was a difficult path, but the independent route allowed me the freedom to cross-reference my experiences with many spiritual traditions and cultures.
And, as many others have done, I realized the fundamental Oneness at the core of the schools of Yoga, Mysticism, New Age Thought, Advaita, Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism and Mysticism.
I learned firsthand you don’t need to be a Buddhist to experience Enlightenment, and you don’t need to be a Christian to experience Christ Consciousness.
For there is a perennial truth binding all religions and spiritual belief systems.
The goal of this course is not to be something or someone else, but to be your Whole Self.
You are as worthy, as capable, and as valuable as anyone else.
No matter what religion, methodology or belief system you use, the goal of the spiritual search is to be free, liberated and whole.
For when you are whole, you are no longer seeking.
As the Hindu sage and mystic Ramakrishna realized, the world’s various religions and enlightenment systems are “so many paths to reach one and the same goal”, for they culminate in a singular, unified sense of being.
So I’ve developed a nonsectarian universal framework for spiritual awakening, blending Western psychology and science with Eastern spirituality and mysticism, to bring you closer to the liberation you are searching for.
In a nutshell, that’s how and why I created this course.
So join me, and be the change you want to see.
Certificate of completion, Q&A, and direct messaging will only be available for paid enrollments.
When you complete this paid Udemy course, you will receive a certificate of completion which you can download.
At the end of the course (if you paid an enrollment fee) there is also a FINAL ASSESSMENT available free of charge.
Completing this is an opportunity to self-reflect where you’re at, and to recognize the impact the course has made, and to get feedback.
Simply return your answers to the address provided, type ‘UDEMY SUPPORT’ in the subject box of your message – and I will provide complimentary feedback, including comments, suggestions and ideas to help you.
Please note: this complimentary service is only available with paid enrollments.
Depending on the course uptake, it may be some time before you hear back from me, so please be patient.
On successful completion of your FINAL ASSESSMENT – the following support options will be made available to you:
- Complimentary access to a private group, invitation only online talks (prerecorded so you can listen and watch anytime)
- 1:1 Zoom meetings
- Access to 1:1 weekend self-catering Residential Intensives (UK and France)
- Invitations to Group Residential Retreats (UK and France)
While for many people meditation and contemplation offer wonderful benefits, such as; making you less stressed, more relaxed, more present, and more fulfilled in your daily life, it is not always recommended for those with certain difficulties and/or serious medical conditions.
If any part of this course brings up disturbing thoughts or emotions or trauma, please stop and get advice from a healthcare practitioner.
Anyone with ailments such as seizures, brain-related conditions, personality disorder, schizophrenia or psychosis may find meditation and contemplation unhelpful at this time in their lives.
If you are in any doubt at all, please consult your Doctor or GP before signing up.
Thank you.