How To Elevate Your Team’s Culture & Accelerate Your Career

How To Elevate Your Team’s Culture & Accelerate Your Career, A data-driven system for maximizing the impact you have on your team through collaboration, education, and much more.
course Description
My Story
I used to think I didn’t belong anywhere.
I was working boring service jobs, standing behind a cash register all day, wondering why I decided to major in Spanish Education. My $10/hour income was depressing, but I had no interest in climbing any corporate ladder, and I didn’t have any high-paying skills. My future looked bleak.
One day, I decided to take matters into my own hands.
I took stock of my skills, interests, and career path options, and decided to break into the tech industry. I thought I’d start by learning web development, but ended up landing my first role as an email support agent for Fetch Rewards. My job performance & coding background helped me quickly transition over to the software quality assurance team, and later on, to the automation team within QA, where I’d have my first job writing code.
Why I Made This Course
As my career took off, I started noticing that I was getting recognition and promotions faster and more frequently than many of my peers. By the time I left Fetch Rewards, I was making 5x what I had made as a cashier.
I didn’t believe it was luck or favoritism, but I didn’t quite know what I was doing differently. I became determined to isolate the unique contribution I was making so I could teach others how to replicate my success.
Data Doesn’t Lie
Thanks to HeyTaco, an employee engagement app, I was able to dig through 2000+ social interactions I had during my time at Fetch Rewards. Each of these was a time when an employee had decided to award me a taco for something I did. Tacos are currency in the HeyTaco app, so effectively, they were paying me for something they thought was valuable.
Manually sifting through Slack conversations and categorizing the actions I took that awarded me tacos, I revealed the top 5 things I was doing that got me recognition from my peers.
Those 5 things are the foundation of this course.
I call them Goldmines, because they are valuable opportunities.
What’s In This Course:
For each of the 5 Goldmines, you’re given the following structure:
– Videos to explain the concept
– Questions to get you thinking about your own unique opportunities
– Action Plan template to help you assemble your own map to success
At the end of the course, I touch on some advice for:
– Forming new habits
– Asking for a raise
– Transitioning to a new job
This course isn’t exclusive to tech employees. I started using this approach to work as early as my cashiering days, so my hope is you’ll find value in this course, no matter your job title.