Goals: How to Achieve Goals & Change Habits | Mini-Course

Goals: How to Achieve Goals & Change Habits | Mini-Course, A systematic approach to correctly setting goals and building habits to help you turn your dreams into reality.
About this course
This course is a step-by-step guide to correctly setting goals, breaking bad habits, and developing new healthy ones. It’s meant to remove the barrier standing between you and your goals – your poor habits and lack of positive habits.
Goal setting and achieving goals does not have to be a frustrating experience filled with a lack of motivation and failure. Unfortunately, most people do not set goals or if they do their goals do not follow a process and are more of a statement of a dream. We’ll teach you how to set goals and choose habits that will motivate you to succeed.
How is the Course Structured?
This course is designed so that you learn all the skills you need very quickly, in an easy-to-follow format.
The course includes video lessons, quizzes, as well as exercises to make the process of setting your goals and changing your habits as easy, pleasant, and most importantly effective as possible.
This course is meant for anyone who:
- Don’t normally set goals
- Set goals but don’t follow through
- Would like to get to the next level of success
This course will help you:
- Correctly set goals.
- Break bad habits and build healthy new habits
- Manage and maintain positive habits until they become automatic