Goals and Motivation Workshop

Goals and Motivation Workshop, Move past the failed New Years’ Resolutions and start setting achievable goals that will change your life.

This workshop will help you to brainstorm a SMARTEST goal and get clarity on what the achievement of your goal will look like. It will guide you into answering questions about what might be standing in the way of you reaching your goal and will take you through a guided goal visualization meditation to help you get even more clarity on exactly what you want to achieve.

The workshop also gives you insight into the pain and pleasure motivators of action and what often hinders or helps you in reaching your goal.  You will learn the basics of how our egos can work for or against us when we set out to do something different that will bring about change.

Change and the cycle of change are looked at to help you to understand what happens when we contemplate change and then start to take action toward it.

Resources are broken down into different categories to enlighten you about the often unseen resources that we all have and then neglect to make use of.  The resources still needed for the source will be listed too.

The goal is then broken down into milestones to ensure you don’t feel overwhelmed or unmotivated to put your effort into achieving your goal.

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