Getting on Zoom – The Essentials to Get You Going

Getting on Zoom – The Essentials to Get You Going, The Fast Path To Presenting Like A Pro Online with Zoom for Experts, Leaders & Managers.

The pandemic has meant organizations have had to pivot to online meetings and events with programs such as Zoom.

Some are thinking it is short-term, but the reality is video meetings and events are here to stay (at least for the next six to twelve months) so you need to get comfortable with it.

Whilst some are comfortable with the technology, many are struggling to combine presenting with the “in your head” distractions that technology such as Zoom shines the spotlight on.

The result is fewer sales, less engagement, and increased stress and anxiety.

The Getting on Zoom webcast is designed to fast-track your online presenting journey and have you presenting like a pro before the end of the day!

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