Four Steps To Start Your Creative Project

Four Steps To Start Your Creative Project, And Get It Finished.

Course Description

Do you have a creative project hibernating inside of you that’s struggling to come out of its cozy den?

That’s very natural. It’s also very natural to get support to help it out. We’re all individuals, with something important to say, and the world needs as many voices expressing themselves as possible in a variety of creative ways.

This four-part video series helps you set up a creative project or project. You can start it at any time and it applies to any project type, length, and in the discipline.

In each video, I’ll guide you through an exercise to help you get clear on what you would like to work on and put a plan of action in place to make it happen. This is the process I went through to start a solo theatre show, which I successfully wrote, produced, and performed.

Watch the videos to kick-start a project in any discipline and come up with a plan to help you finish your idea.

If you’re not yet sure what you’d like to create – we’ll cover that in the course and then put in practical steps to start and finish the project.

Whether you’re creating for yourself, to share with your local community and/or to share it more widely with the view to monetize your creations – enroll today and let’s start creating.

Have fun devising a plan to add a splash of creativity to your life on a regular basis! You deserve to have fun, embracing the unique, creative YOU!

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