Forming Healthy Habits and Breaking Bad Habits

Forming Healthy Habits and Breaking Bad Habits, Use the science of habit formation to build new habits and let go of old habits that don’t serve you.
“We are what we repeatedly do” This course will help you to uncouple old habits and build new ones so that you can transform your fitness, health, relationships, career and finances through daily actions that will take you towards your goals. It distils principles from habit science and shares how to use technology to make forming healthy habits the path of least resistance. You’ll learn the three pillars of habit formation and understand how to use that knowledge to bust bad habits that don’t serve you and build new ones that will make you healthier, stronger and happier.
The course begins with some theory on habit formation. We then get tactical about how to break bad habits. Next we look at the importance of starting small: consistency trumps all when you’re forming a new habit.
After that we’ll take a look at how technology can get in the way of forming healthy habits and learn how to set up our computers and smart phones so that they actually help us stick to good habits instead of getting in the way.
The course is a mixture of science and personal experience from my journey building up my own habits. After reaching a crisis point in 2021 due to intense work pressure, I made healthy habits my priority and have gone from having a non-existent morning routine to a consistent 3hr long routine involving exercise (yoga/running/HIIT), meditation, journaling, learning Chinese and planning my day ahead.