EB2 NIW Reserach Paper Software Setup & Litreature Review

EB2 NIW Reserach Paper Software Setup & Litreature Review, EB2 NIW Build Your Profile Series. Install the tools, find related work, work under collabrative environment.
Course Description
EB2 NIW Build Your Profile Series
Reserach Paper Software Setup & Litreature Review on Latex & Zotero
EB2 NIW Build Your Profile Series. Install the tools, find related work, work under collabrative environment
What you will learn:
- Learn How to Install all packages needed to write research papers
- Learn how to get best papers for the topic selected
- Create litreature review notes and how to find out what next ideas to work on
- Change edit and curate code in Latex for Litreature Review
Things we will do in this course.
Section 1
- Start with fresh ubuntu Install
- Update ubuntu
- Install Texstudio to run all Latex code (examples of IEEE, Springer, World Scientific)
- Install supporting package for references, charts, maths symbols and handle common errors
- Install Zotero, import zotero references
- Install Anaconda, setup env varibles
- Install tensor, tranformers and datasets
- Run Notebooks for recreating models, charts, etc
- Use Chatgpt to find your way when you get an error
Section 2
- Get top 15 papers from google scholar
- Write notes on Zotero about papers you reviewed
- Using litreature review Develop ideas of what you can contribute
- Import paper in Latex code example used Spinger Journal
- Write litreature review ideas using ChatGPT (required curation later)