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Beginner Course on Sustainable Finance, A 5-Part Explainer Style Videos. Sustainable finance is now a hot topic for investors, banks and businesses around ...

Adhesive Tapes for Designers and Engineers, Learn the basics of adhesive tape formulations, constructions, and applications. Thank you for visiting the Tape ...

Oracle Database in Docker and ODBC configuration, Oracle Instance - access it within the container and outside container, install ODBC driver, configure DSN. ...

Digital Logic Circuits and Design, Learn how to design a digital circuit in the simplest way in the world of digital electronics. After completing this ...

Smartsheet for Project Management - The Complete Course, Learn all the Smartsheet essentials to make dashboards, sheets, reports, and forms to manage your ...

Ultimate Home Bartending Masterclass, This course provides an exciting Home Bartending introduction into making Cocktails, Soda, Coffee, & Tea. The ...

Introduction To Interior Design, Introduction to interior residential design basics (fundamentals, colors and lighting) This 3 in 1 course is a guide to the ...

API Crash Course: What is an API, how to create it & test it, Everything you need to know to understand what an API is. Hello In this course we will ...

English Anaphora, Irony, Understatement, Anecdote, Essential English Grammar and Communication Skills for IELTS and Mastering English as a Second Language. ...

Accounting Made Easy: A Quick Guide to Financial Accounting, Accounting is not about Math, it is about concepts. And no one said it has to be hard. Learn the ...

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