MS Excel – From 0 to Working Professional in 1 hour

MS Excel – From 0 to Working Professional in 1 hour, Learn Excel as fast as possible.

Course Description

This course covers Excel basics in the way that’s very short and concise. You may use Excel before but this course shows you a better way of using these functions in real work environment. If you are going back to workforce, or looking for jobs, this is the fastest way to refresh your skill or Jump Start your skills. Within 1 hour, you can use Excel the way a working professional would use.

This course IS NOT for everyone because of 2 things

1. Excel is powerful. Microsoft tries to make Excel as relevant to anyone as possible. However, each occupation use Excel differently. I’ve no idea how scientists or engineers use Excel. But I know how working professionals, especially analysts use Excel. I’ve worked as Business Analyst, Market Analyst, and till this day a full time Financial Analyst. Excel changed my life, I get hired, get promoted because that. I hope more people can do the same and better.

2. The pace of the course is super fast. If you like things go slowly, this is NOT for you. This course covers basic Excel. Most of the things in this course should be learnt by doing. Therefore I have enclosed a downloadable workbook. You can see me demonstrating on the left side of the sheet, while you would be practicing on the right.

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