Microsoft Excel Guru: Master VLOOKUP and XLOOKUP functions

Microsoft Excel Guru: Master VLOOKUP and XLOOKUP functions, How VLOOKUP and XLOOKUP will change your workflow and increase your professional skillset.
Course Description
In this class we are going to learn the following Microsoft Excel Functions :
- It is a powerful function that everyone should know. It is very useful to merge lists coming from two different systems using a unique ID
- The first example is when we have an employee list (one listing) and payroll data (second listing). We are going to find the employee’s salary based on the employee’s unique ID
- The second example is when we have an inventory list (one listing) and inventory sales data (second listing). We want to know what is the remaining quantity when the quantity sold is only on one of the two listings.
- The third example is how to find customer data information using VLOOKUP. We are going to find customer information such as their name or email based on their customer ID from the sales record.
- It is a powerful function that came out in 2020 and will eventually completely replace VLOOKUP and HLOOKUP
- Example #1 we are going to learn the basics of XLOOKUP and its difference from VLOOKUP
- Example #2 we are going to learn how to use XLOOKUP to assign bracket values to a specific value (I.e: if grade A is 80 to 100, then we are going to assign the “A” letter to every value between 80 and 100 in a few clicks only)
- Example #3 we are going to merge two listings by bringing MULTIPLE COLUMNS at once from one listing to another.
Throughout the whole journey, you are going to learn incredible Microsoft Excel Tips, Tricks, and Hacks!