Learn MS Word From Scratch – Part 1

Learn MS Word From Scratch – Part 1, MS Word for Beginners.
The course explains everything in the most basic manner If you do not have any basic knowledge in MS Word, this course can help you. You will learn the most basics of MS Word/ In this course I have focused on the “Home”, “Insert” and “Layout” tabs. The course is divided into 3 sections which explains each tab separately. After finishing this course you would be able to:
- Format paragraphs
- Insert objects
- Insert and edit tables
- Add text to objects
- Change the page setup
- Change the paragraph setup
In the “Home” tab you will learn how to format text including bold, italic and underline for text. You will also learn how to use bulletins, line spacing, copy and paste.
In the “Insert” tab you will learn how to insert shapes, objects, SmartArt and text box. You will also learn how to insert text into objects and shapes. You will also learn how to insert tables and edit them. You will also learn how to insert header and footer, page numbers and use drop cap.
Finally, in the “Layout” tab you will learn how to setup the page, paragraphs and objects. Page setup includes margins, size of the page, orientation, line numbers and hyphenations. In the paragraph setup indents and spacing will be taught. For objects, their arrangements, position, text wrap and alignments will be taught.