Learn Microsoft Word 365 in the Evening

Learn Microsoft Word 365 in the Evening, Fast track to Microsoft Word.

Students will learn the basic tools in Microsoft Word. They can create, edit and print documents, including documents with tables.  The tools are discussed in categories as follows:


Students are introduced to Microsoft Word App. The versions of Microsoft Word App, their pros and cons, and how to acquire the desired version.

Microsoft Word Environment

In this section, students identify the working tools. Students take a tour of their workspace. Students understand the Microsoft Word workspace arrangement this will help them to be more proficient in the use of the tools.

Learn to type with MS Word

Each App has its peculiar dialect, in this section, students come to terms with the Microsoft dialect. For example, what does a chapter mean in Microsoft Office? How to select a character, a word, a group of words, and a chapter.


Most times people do not type for their own consumption, they type for others to see and read. A physical copy ends up in a printing device. If the page is not well laid out the expected result may be disappointing for example wast wasting the paper before getting the desired printout.

Fonts and formatting

The knowledge of using an appealing design improves credibility and attracts attention to a document. In this section, students learn to use typeface font size, and colors in designing documents.

Insert and draw tools

Infographics are a strong tool in communication this section introduces students to drawing and using shape tools in passing information they learn to insert and manage pictures also.


Tables are used to instruct and arrange objects and text in a logical and presentable order. students will learn to manage tables structure and style for an impressive presentation

Voice to text

Artificial intelligence is gradually removing fast typing as an essential skill in data capture. Today you can literally type without the keyboard by merely dictating to your computer.

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