Guideline | Builder for dashboard in Power BI

Guideline | Builder for dashboard in Power BI, Power BI, Guideline, Templates, Report Builder.
Course Description
I want to share with you a guideline – a set of templates and rules to help you create a quality dashboard. As an expert in the field, I know that proper dashboard design and organization play a key role in effective data analysis. In this video, I will introduce you to a product that brings together:
– 7 of the most popular chart templates
– 8 backgrounds for a fast layout
– 3 sales dashboard examples
– visualization compass – a tip on choosing the right chart for your data type
In this mini-course, you will learn how to:
- Understand the principles of good dashboard design
- Improve the user experience by creating a user-friendly and intuitive interface
- Learn how to build a customized dashboard in 30 minutes
- Gain an understanding of how to effectively visualize data using different types of charts and graphs to create clear and visual dashboards
You may not know how to build dashboards, what type of diagrams to choose, have no design skills. You may not even know how to work Power BI. Our product will help you to understand everything quickly and easily.
For those who are tired of spending a lot of time on :
1. choosing the right type of diagram
2. setting up charts by colors, labels and category fonts
3. aligning dashboard elements to each other
Creating a quality dashboard requires attention to detail and following the rules, our guideline makes creating a dashboard easy and reduces the time it takes to select, customize and align charts. Follow the guidelines and using the templates will help you create an attractive and functional dashboard that can be used effectively for data analysis.