Google Docs Ultimate Course 2021

Google Docs Ultimate Course 2021, Go from Beginner to Advanced with Google Docs.

01. Introduction

001. Overview

02. Gmail Account Setup

002. Overview

003. Setup Gmail Account

004. Summary

03. Main Menu

005. Overview

006. Docs

007. Sheets

008. Slides

009. Forms

010. Settings

011. Help & Feedback

012. Drive

013. Summary

04. Template Gallery

014. Overview

015. Blank

016. Resume

017. Letters

018. Personal

019. Work

020. Sales

021. Legal

022. Human Resources

023. Freelancer Engagement

024. Education

025. Summary

05. Project

026. Overview

027. Project

028. Summary

06. Google Drive

029. Overview

030. File Management

031. Summary

07. Account

032. Overview

033. Home

034. Personal Info

035. Data & Personalization

036. Security

037. People & Sharing

038. Payments & Subscriptions

039. About

040. Summary

08. Google Apps

041. Overview

042. Search

043. Maps

044. YouTube

045. Play

046. News

047. Gmail

048. Meet

049. Chat

050. Contacts

051. Drive

052. Calendar

053. Translate

054. Photos

055. Duo

056. Chrome

057. Shopping

058. Finance

059. Docs

060. Sheets

061. Slides

062. Books

063. Blogger

064. Hangouts

065. Keep

066. Jamboard

067. Classroom

068. Earth

069. Collections

070. Arts and Culture

071. Google Ads

072. Podcasts

073. Stadia

074. Google One

075. Travel

076. Forms

077. More From Google

078. Summary

09. Conclusion

079. Summary


I’ve got just the course for you!

Welcome, my name is Josh Werner with Learn Tech Plus and I’ve put this course together to help people just like you quickly master Google Docs…Whether you’re a beginner or experienced with Google Docs!

If your goal is to become a master of Google Docs, then this course is perfect for you. It will get you started on the right path and give you the knowledge and skills you need to master Google Docs.


We will go step by step and cover Google Docs. The goal here is to help you

A) Setup an Account with Gmail

B) Be able to work with Google Docs App

C) Work with Files on Google Docs

Here’s what we’ll cover in the course:

1. We’ll start from the very beginning and explain what Google Docs is, why & how it’s used.

2. Install some of the software we’ll be using all throughout the course.

3. Introduce you to Google Docs

I’d love to see you inside and help you learn and master Google Docs!

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