Creating Commercial Documents with MS Word

Creating Commercial Documents with MS Word, Let’s Do It.

In this particular course, you will get a brief about how to create sales documents.

A sales document means the first document that a seller or any retailer uses to evidence an order for a deposit towards or contract for the purchase by a customer of a motor vehicle, optional equipment, or service repair contract.

The most common argument against sales scripts is that they turn salespeople into robots without personality, passion, or connection to the customer. Effective scripts will not have that effect on good salespeople.

With that misconception debunked, let’s take a look at the benefits of proper sales documentation:

Polished pitches

The process of writing down your pitch is really valuable. It forces you to think about how you present yourself and your product, and gives you the opportunity to add clarity and structure instead of just “winging it”.

Improved teamwork

Sales documentation should be a collaborative process involving the entire sales team. Tap into the unique strengths of each salesperson to create a well-rounded pitch and, as that pitch evolves, the improvements will affect the entire team.

Increased freedom

Used correctly, a sales script creates much more freedom than restrictions. When your reps don’t have to mentally prepare what to say next, they become better listeners who can focus on providing value in an engaging way.

How to create sales documentation

You’ve got two choices for initial creation:

  • Create your documentation from scratch, or
  • Jumpstart yours with templates (like some examples at the bottom of this article)

Either way, here are two principles to keep in mind as you create your scripts.

In this course, we will primarily focus on the following things:

1. Creating a document with well-acknowledged tables

2. Creating a Letterhead for an Organization

3. Creating a Sales Invoice

4. Creating a Sales Proposal

5. Creating a Contract

6. Creating a Product Manual/Sales Decks

Types of Sales Documents

1. Business Proposals

2. Contracts

3. Sales Decks/Manuals of Products/Services Provided/Produced

4. Invoices

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