Slope And Slope-Intercept Learning And Practice, Study Slope And Slope-Intercept!
Welcome to this math course. In this course, we will study slope and slope-intercept. This course is at a beginner level. The course is intended for those who are new to slope and slope-intercept in math and those who want to strengthen their knowledge on it. There are no requirements before starting this course. The purpose of this course is to give an understanding and a good foundation to the students of knowing slope and slope-intercept. There are seven things that will be covered in this course. The first two things that will be covered in this course are an understanding of slope and slope-intercept. When they got some background knowledge on what they are, students will learn how to find slope-intercept using two points, a given slope and a point, a table, and a graph. After these topics are learned, students will also learn how to graph slope-intercepts. This course has an explanation video on how to do a specific topic and is then followed up with a practice video. The course is taught through slides that allow students to take notes during the video. By the end of this course, students should master the basics of slope and slope-intercept, and know how to find it.