Spiritual Interpretation of Numerology’s Divine Messages.

Spiritual Interpretation of Numerology’s Divine Messages., Learn to interpretate messages from the Divine Expressions such as Guardian Angels, Spiritual Guides & Ascended Masters.

Do you ever wonder what the numbers mean? What does it mean when a number or a combination of numbers keep popping up in your sight? Well even though the explanation is simple, many people actually do not know it!

The answer is that our Divine Creator and all the Divine Expressions, very often want to communicate with us and send us messages.

These messages may be replies to our prayers – answers to the questions we set when we seek guidance – important messages that we are ready or need to know and supporting guidance for our plans,intentions and goals.

Generally, the easiest way for our Divine «Friends» to communicate with us and make clear to our perception that we are indeed receiving a message, is to present numbers to our sight. Because the whole world is already full of numbers!

So if you don’t communicate consciously with the Divine, it is most likely that you will keep seeing numbers and specific number combinations in the different periods of your life.

In this course, I will explain shortly and simply what the numbers and the combination of the numbers mean, so you can obtain awareness every time you receive a divine message, as well as how and when to act upon it!

I hope that you will enjoy these information and that this course will be helpful for your spiritual practice and everyday life.

Divine Blessings,
Nickolas Mparalos.

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