Soil and Water Management for Plants

Soil and Water Management for Plants, Learn to manage soil and water for your plants and crops.
Soil water management is about controlling soil water content at an optimal state for plants and crops, including environmental needs. An optimal state is often a compromise between competing uses and needs to account for the long-term sustainability of the soil-water system.
Soil is important for society because it supports plants that supply food, fibers, life-saving drugs, and other essentials and because it filters water and recycles wastes.
Soil water conservation conserves soil moisture in low rainfall areas due to increased infiltration rate and time of concentration, while in high rainfall areas, it reduces soil loss. In both situations, it reduces soil erosion, conserves soil fertility and moisture, and thus improves overall crop productivity.
Agricultural water management (AWM) seeks to use water in a way that provides crops and animals the amount of water they need, enhances productivity and conserves natural resources for the benefit of downstream users and ecosystem services.
The main objectives for irrigation management or irrigation, in general, are to promote the proper growth of plants and maintain the right levels of moisture for the soil. … Another reason is to cool the atmosphere and soil which is an ideal environment for plants.
In this course, you are going to learn the basics of soil, its profile, composition, use, and its conservation. Also, water management plays an important role in the overall growth of plants and crops in the soil.