Imaginative Background Arts

Imaginative Background Arts, Imaginative Background Arts – Drawing Backgrounds and having Fun.

This course is designed to teach the fundamentals of background art. This is not a course on how to do perspective or how to use it, though I will include a short lecture on how to easily use perspective to your advantage. This is a course on how to draw Mountains, Trees, Rocks, Water, Plants, Grass, and anything that can be used to make a background. This course will be taught using both digital and traditional art techniques. Though this course is aimed at absolute beginner artist those of high skill levels may gleam some gems from it. It is my hope that I can teach the various way to create backgrounds that I have learned over the years. I am going to go through the process of making backgrounds in a step-by-step fashion with simplified art and detail instruction on exactly how to go from point A to point B and onto point C. I will also be showing how to make background elements reusable. By the end of this course, you should be able to make almost any type of background you can imagine. I will be using both digital and traditional techniques, everything I do Digital will also have a corresponding traditional lecture. Software that I will be using is Clip Studio Paint EX with a Huion Kamvas 22 Plus pen display. For traditional works I will be using pencil and Bristol Paper.

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