Feng Shui Garden/Landscape Practitioner Course

Feng Shui Garden/Landscape Practitioner Course, Understanding Feng Shui, Landscape and Form, Feng Shui Tools, Allowing Chi , Small Gardens and Feng Shui, Feng Shui Cure.
Understanding Feng Shui, Landscape and Form, Feng Shui Tools, Allowing Chi , Small Gardens and Feng Shui, Feng Shui Cures, Water and Season
Garden Feng Shui: The science of Feng Shui has to do with balance and equilibrium. This is not just any kind of balance, but a formidable balance with one’s environment. This can be done by recognising the energy all around us and promoting the flow of this energy by creating movement in the garden to induce balance and harmony. Although, some might be aware of how the indoor feng shui works, how we can align furniture to let Chi flow freely in and out of the home. In this program, we will be focusing on feng shui outdoors. In our outdoor space, Feng Shui elevates the land, the trees, the plants, and the garden ornaments by exploring our immediate environment, the land we stand on, the trees and nature that embrace our surroundings, the impact of water features, light, surrounding mountains, air, soil, and vegetation.Feng Shui promises prosperity, abundance, serenity, long life, and good health to those who incorporate its guidelines into their outdoor environment and indoor living space. This can be done through the methods and principles of landscape and compass. Landscape deals with land formations, position, shape, and flow of waterways. And the compass deals with complex mathematical and compass computations, using the Pa Kua, the Luo Pan, the trigrams, and the Lo Shu square for Feng Shui analysis. These methods and principles are based on the Chinese axiomatic view of the Universe, enforcing the basis of Yin and Yang, the cycles of the five elements, and the concept of Tien Ti Ren.