Abstract Painting & Drawing From Start to Finish

Abstract Painting & Drawing From Start to Finish, Learn How to Paint Expressive Abstract Paintings.
Course Description
Abstract Painting and Drawing from Start to Finish is designed for you if you would like to learn, explore and discover your own individual creativity and style in your abstract painting . This class will give you a solid foundation to build your confidence to be able to express yourself through your painting and enjoy the whole process of making abstract art, even if you’ve never painted before.
You will learn how to really understand the whole concept of abstract painting. I take you through an easy to follow, fun and interesting process that will enable you to tap into your own special creative self and give you a comprehensive method to discover your own unique style in abstract painting.
Working as a full time artist and teacher for many years I love sharing and helping people ‘find’ themselves through their art. My experience of teaching has shown me that many people tend to be apprehensive of launching themselves into abstract painting for fear of ‘not knowing where to start or what to do’ In this class I take you through a simple process that will show you exactly how to start and what to do!
You Will Learn
- Simple yet creative ways to draw
- How to turn those drawings into paintings
- How to access your natural creativity
- How to draw and paint your emotions
- How to use colour to express yourself
- Simple and effect composition techniques
- Finding contrast and tone value in your paintings
- How to put it all together
If you’d like to venture into this wonderful world of abstract art then join me on this exciting and fascinating journey and discover for yourself your own unique and special style of painting.