User Management in Zoho CRM – Data Sharing Methods

User Management in Zoho CRM – Data Sharing Methods, Understanding the various data sharing models.
Course Description
By default, access rights to CRM records are set as private so that the record owner and his or her manager can oversee the CRM data. Additionally, you can change it to Public Read-only, Public Read/Write/Delete. In short, the role hierarchy in Zoho CRM determines the default data access flow between users in Zoho CRM. What if your business process requires you to share data with users outside of what the role hierarchy can achieve? That’s when you would turn to CRM’s other data sharing methods. In this course, you learn about:
- The data sharing methods available in Zoho CRM.
- Creating data sharing rules that provide access or restrict users from viewing your data in various modules.
- How to use the User Field to provide multiple-ownership to a record.
- Using territories to segment records and share with the relevant territory members
- When to use which data sharing option.
- How to work with data sharing settings, data sharing rules, record-level sharing, co-ownership, and territory-based data sharing.
Also, do take up part 1 of the User Management course where you will learn to get started with the basics of user licenses, setting up user administration, activating or deactivating the users, creating roles, and cloning profiles in your Zoho CRM account.