UNIX for Software Testers

UNIX for Software Testers, Essential skill for working on UNIX/LINUX based Test Envrionments.
Course Description
Are you working in an UNIX based Test Environment?
or about to work in an UNIX flavoured Test environment such as Ubuntu, Redhat Linux, etc?
Eager to learn UNIX so you can add the skills to your CV?
Then you should be aware that UNIX skill is certainly in demand and quite significant and is the most commonly used operating system in many complex IT ecosystems and extensively in the cloud as well.
Learn UNIX – from Testing examples view-point.
The key objectives of the Course is to learn UNIX fundamentals and be ready to work in any UNIX flavoured test environment
This realistic course covers right from taking you through UNIX Basic Commands, Exploring UNIX File System, Working with Files (for test data), searching for files that you create (as part of test execution perhaps), giving permissions to a file so you can execute a script during test execution.
Learn practical usage of UNIX and as industry expects from any Software Tester while using UNIX systems.
Students would get a practical and hands-on insight into various activities carried out using UNIX commands. With the right exposure to UNIX, you should be able to work and deliver on testing projects run on UNIX test environment.
Note: this course caters for UNIX based utilities and the fundamentals only so does NOT cover advanced UNIX commands (not required for a tester !) and does NOT cover shell script development.