The Ultimate Guide to ICT Skills

The Ultimate Guide to ICT Skills, How to improve ICT Skills and Computer Security & Privacy.
- What is the meaning of ICT?
- What are the different components of ICT?
- What is the meaning of ICT devices? Give some examples.
- Write a few lines of ICT uses in different sectors.
- How an ICT device like smartphone is useful in our daily life?
- What is the meaning of Software?
- What is meant by ICT skills?
- Why are ICT skills important?
- Which are five basic ICT skills all employees should have?
- How to improve ICT skills?
- Why it is essential to keep computers secure and our data safe?
- How our personal information can be lost or leaked?
- What are the various threats to Computer?
- What is the difference between physical theft and identity theft?
- What is meant by Software piracy?
- What is the meaning of Virus?
- What is meant by worms?
- Write a few lines on Trojan Horse.
- What do you know about Online Predators?
- Give names of common types of internet scams.
- What steps can be taken to protect our data from theft and viruses?
- How to create strong and smart password?
- How can we come to know that a particular site is secure or not?
- What is meant by encryption of data?
- What happens when we press the power button on the CPU?
- What do you mean by BIOS?
- What basic functions are performed when a computer starts?
- What do you mean by Login and Logout?
- What is the proper procedure to shut down a computer?
- What is the meaning of Keyboard? What is the main purpose of keyboard?
- What are Function Keys?
- What is Control Key?
- What is the function performed by Enter Key?
- Name a few punctuation keys on the keyboard.
- What do you know about Navigation Keys?
- What are various Command Keys? What function is performed by Command Keys?
- What is the role of Windows Key on the Keyboard?
- What do you mean by mouse in case of ICT?
- Write a few lines on the following:
(i) Roll Over or Hover
(ii) Point and Click
(iii) Drag and Drop
(iv) Double-Click