The Complete Splunk course from Zero to Hero 2022

The Complete Splunk course from Zero to Hero 2022, Have you heard about the power of having Splunk on your resume?
Have you heard about the power of having Splunk on your resume?
The best course for learning Splunk, the leader in real-time monitoring, operational intelligence, log management, and SIEM (security information and event management). Your instructor is Adam Frisbee, a university instructor, a Splunk Certified Administrator and a Splunk geek.
Whether you’ve inherited a Splunk environment, are building one from scratch, or are simply curious about Splunk, this course was designed specifically for you!
We’ll cover it all, from installing Splunk for the first time to architecting advanced distributed Splunk environments for large enterprises. We’ll talk about search head clustering, heavy forwarders, indexer clustering, configuration files, authentication (yes, even with LDAP), and much more.
I look forward to working with you in this course, and in future courses!
This is the #1 place to learn by watching instructor lead demonstrations on Splunk. Don’t take another course that is bogged down with long lectures and endless PowerPoint slides. Take one that covers the majority of the course via recorded demonstrations and is built for visual learners! Enjoy over 15 demonstration lecture style modules that teach you Splunk while driving on a Splunk instance. This course is designed to take someone who has never heard of Splunk and provide them with the knowledge they need to pass the Splunk Core Certified Power User exam!
Learn on Splunk 8.2.0!
Build strong foundational skills you need to pass the Splunk power user certification.
Learn by watching demonstrations for over 75% of the course!
Download your own data and practice on your own instance of Splunk.
Learn over 25 commands!
Understand Splunks data pipeline and SIEM functionality.
Gain confidence in how to craft strong searches, build visualizations, and understand the key components of Splunk.
This course will cover all the key topics you need to pass the exam!
I hope you continue to take what you have learned here and move on to learning more advanced topics that Splunk has to offer!